July 23, 2009

The Lost Art Form - Music Videos: Radiohead

Do you remember when music videos meant something? Now with music videos relegated to back channels of MTV or other smaller networks, most videos are typically viewed online and don't draw the same kind of driectoral talent they used to. Music videos used to be a breeding ground for up and coming directors. I came across two of my all-time favorite music videos this morning - "Karma Police" by Radiohead (directed by Jonathan Glazer, later went on to direct Sexy Beast with Ben Kingsley) and "Knives Out" (also by Radiohead) by director Michael Gondry of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind fame. Both are reminders of the power of the visual music video art form. So brilliant.

With "Knives Out", you can see the beginnings of Gondry's surrealist directorial style and some of his inspiration for Eternal Sunshine. Amazingly this is all shot in one take!

If you are interested in some more of the brilliant Radiohead music video catalog, check out the music blog, Pop Tarts Suck Toasted LINK for a list of their top 10. This is one of my favorite music blogs out there so definitely give it a visit.

I plan to continue to bring back some of the music video classics for your viewing enjoyment.


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