March 5, 2010

Ok Go - "This Too Shall Pass" - Insane Music Video!

So the band that rode a synchronized treadmill (video) to stardom (the video for "Here It Goes Again" HERE) have managed with their latest video to top themselves and then some. This music video is on completely different level - it is one of the most insane and brilliantly awesome videos (music or otherwise) I have seen in a while. The video follows in one shot the most ridiculously extravagant Rube Goldberg Machine (or before I looked it up what I was calling The Mouse Trap Game)built in a two story warehouse in Echo Park with the help of local engineering firm Synn Labs. It is in no way profound but perfectly achieves what lead singer, Damian Kulash, said was it's main goal: "It's purpose is only to be awesome". Great success! The part with the guitar, spoon and glasses goes beyond simple awesomeness to utterly brilliant. The song is even pretty damn good too! Check it out below:


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