So the internet is all abuzz this morning from a potential Radiohead song leak on Radiohead fan site, At Ease. And for good reason. This song is sick - feels like a natural progression from In Rainbows....taking the beauty and technical perfection of its tracks and tweaking with the sound, adding imperfections and dissonance through its drones and slightly off-beat guitar notes. Feels like "Weird Fishes" meets "All The Best" (the new Thom Yorke cover I blogged on below). Loving this in all its dark beauty!
Thom Yorke spoke (sadly) recently about a new LP from the band being far off if not ever coming down the line (please don't let that be the case) in an interview in The Believer magazine. He did promise releases of new singles, maybe some EPs...so this seems to fit with the mold.
Check out the MP3 and some more of the backstory at Stereogum: LINK
Listen below:
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